Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Seasons of Life

Life is unstable. Things are constantly changing from one season to the other but in that instability God is our firm foundation, He is the One who is unchanging, He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow (Heb. 13:8).

I recently went through a  difficult season with regard to friendships. My reputation was tampered with and I lost some friends in the process but I also learned a few things.

First and foremost, I learned that God is SOVEREIGN over ALL seasons, and that He has a time and a purpose for each one ( Eccl. 3:1,11). When I realized that God was not at all surprised by what was going on in my life, I calmed down and drew strength from this truth. I no longer asked why me but I told myself that He knows and is in control.

Secondly, discernment and acknowledgement of one's season is key. I started off not liking this season at all, I wanted to be out of it from the get go; I was in winter wishing for summer. However, denial of my situation withheld me from learning. After I discerned and accepted my circumstances, I was able to look for and find the purpose for the season.

Lastly, every season has a learning curve. I learned the destructive power of gossip and the importance of communication when trying to restore a relationship. I realized my mistakes and at the same, developed some skills that I can apply in the future and also came to understand that without the power from God through His Holy Spirit, we are unable to perfectly apply Scripture to our lives.

To sum it all up, I learned to interpret my experiences through God's perspective and realized that God uses both good and bad experiences to purify and mold us into the image of Christ. I stopped fretting about the things I have no control over.

Maybe you are in a season of great trial and long suffering, or maybe you are in a season of prosperity and growth. Summer is not just about fun nor is winter only about sadness. Whatever season you are in, ask God to reveal His purpose for that season to you. Ask Him what it is that He wants to teach you. Life is unstable, seasons come and go, don't miss the opportunity to become better because of your feelings about the season you are in. Instead, embrace it and let God change you for the better.
Big thank you to my editors: Whitney van der Mark and Chibwe Beel!

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Is two always better than one?

I have been single since like FOREVER! I have struggled with this aspect of my life for many years; and last year, my annoyance at my single status led me to do things that I deeply regret. I was fed up with myself. I felt a lot of peer and societal pressure. Most of my friends were in a relationship or had been in one at some point. Don't get me wrong, my friends never made me feel worthless because of my inability to date; I felt hopeless myself. Living in Belgium also didn't help because it's a public displays of affection (PDA) heaven! Couples looovvveee to flaunt their affection wherever and whenever they can and there is just so much negativity about singleness in society. So it was difficult to be a happy single in such an environment.

 But all that has changed, now I embrace my singleness and all the highs and lows that come with it. It's no longer like a disease that I am ashamed of and desperately desire to cure. Why don't I mind being single? How have I come to terms with my single status? Well, it didn't happen overnight, I did some research and brainstorming and I came up with a list.

  1.  I stopped comparing and envying my friends and all the couples that couldn't keep their hands to themselves. As long as I compared, I was starved for affection. I became bitter and rushed into things I was not ready for. Instead, I am happy for them when their relationships are a success. Romans 12:15 encourages us to "rejoice with them that do rejoice, and weep with them that weep."
  2.  I no longer look to society as a guide. Romans 12:2 reminds me "to not copy the customs of this world." So what if I have never dated? 
  3.  Singleness is NOT a problem! Being single doesn't mean I lack something. My identity is not found in relationships. A relationship doesn't make me more valuable,  it doesn't complete me. It will not solve all my problems, nor will it result in some sort of stamp of approval. Instead, my identity, satisfaction and fulfillment are in Christ. He is the one who: causes me to be called a child of God (Romans 8:15-17; Ephesians 1:3-6), quenches my thirst (John 4:14) and fills my life (John 10:10).
  4.  I refuse to settle. I don't want to date for the sake of dating. I want to be with someone who truly knows Christ. A person who is committed so that we can pray and worship together, read the Bible together, have intimate talks, build each other up and so on. Marriage is my long term goal and therefore I desire someone who is also aiming for the ring and not the bed.
  5.  Singleness doesn't equate with selfishness. Being single means I have more time to serve God and others (1 Corinthians 7:32-35). I have fewer responsibilities therefore I can go on mission trips, church events, and volunteer whenever I want to.  
  6. Singleness is a season of preparation for marriage, not that anyone can be completely ready for it. I need to grow in patience, humility and communication to name a few. I can also use this time to learn the in and outs of marriage from married people. I would like to be the godly woman that a godly man deserves. However, I do keep in mind that this is not the only season to grow. Growth is a continuous phenomenon. 
 This list can continue but these 6 items are the most relevant to me right now and I highly recommend every single person to take some time to write their own because it has been a life  changing experience for me and I wouldn't want you to miss out. Writing this changed my perspective on singleness for the better, it can change yours too.
 Comments and questions are always welcome! I will try to reply as soon as possible :)

 A big thank you to my sources:
ChaseGodtv: almost all the videos about relationships on YouTube. 
Sarah Allen: Singleness: Lies, Truth and Your Identity on YouTube.
Yatta Montrell: My Patience is a Virtue on The Praying Woman.

Friday, August 29, 2014

God is Good

Before I register for the new academic year, I would like to say a big thank You to God for the previous one.

I started my 2nd year of Bio-Medical Sciences on shaky feet. I was unable to resit my Physics exam and therefore, I had the option of either redoing the class or tolerating it. After seeking advice from the first year supervisor, I choose to tolerate the class. That meant that I would start the 2nd year Physics class without passing the one from the 1st year. And so, I applied for my 2nd year.

My first semester consisted of 5 subjects, of which one was a subject that spanned the whole year. As the weeks went by, I became more anxious and worrisome. Exams were drawing near and I was not prepared. I still could not grasp Analytical Chemistry, Physics involved a large amount of calculus, and with math being my weak point, I was sure I was destined for failure in everything except for Cell Physiology. I did have a chance of passing Metabolism if I just worked harder and if I  had more time. I remember going to Chibwe and telling her that I would quit Chemistry and thus give myself more time to study and therefore a greater chance to pass the other exams. She talked me out of it. We needed to visit our family in Suriname during the summer, so August resits were not an option. I placed the matter into God's hands. After God revealed to me that I need not be afraid of failure, because He was in complete control, I experienced such great peace about the the whole exam period. I wrote all my exams, some were harder than others, and by God's great grace, I passed them all.

I had been told that the 2nd semester of the 2nd year is the most challenging of all semesters in the course and it was. I had 6 subjects, of which 4 out of the 6 had more than one professor. It was a heavy load. I started studying at the beginning of the semester but by the end, I had forgotten most of what I had learned. Another panic attack. So much to do, so little time. I kept telling myself that if only I had one more month then I would have been sure of my success. Luckily, a few good friends of mine and my lovely sister were there to encourage me and told me that I should let go and let God. They didn't know how God would enable me through my exams but they knew He would. I studied what I could and I stood on God's Word. I place sticky notes with verses on my computer and on the wall across my study table. I prayed and praised God before every single exam. A week after the June exam period, I got my results. Not only had I passed everything, but my average grade had also increased and I got a grade that I had not expected for Microbiology.

Last academic year, I learned a lot but the ones that I will never forget are these simple but powerful truths:
1. It's good to be surrounded by people who encourage you in your belief.

2. Faith works wonders.

3. God is not stingy, instead He lavishly pours out mouth-opening blessings on us. He is the God "who is able, through His mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think" (Ephesians 3:20).

4. "When I am weak, then I am strong" because His grace is all I need and His power works perfectly in weakness (2Corthinians 12:9-10).

Please leave comments about how good God has been to you too :)

Sunday, June 29, 2014

"No Man is an Island"

"No man is an island entire  of itself, every man is a piece of the continent". 
- John Done, 'No Man is an Island'

We need each other. Life is about working together; yes, they are some things that each of us can manage by ourselves but there are many things that we could not, cannot and will not be able to do without the help of others. The Bible encourages us to care for each other whether it be with food,clothing,company or spiritual growth. To name a few verses;
"Therefore encourage one another and build one another up" (1 Thessalonians 5:11).
"Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others" (Philippians 2:4).

Therefore, I would like to thank a couple of people, that God placed in my path, who put aside their own interests and guided me to make my faith a vital part of my life.

I spent my last 3 years of high school at a Christian school in Suriname and I want to thank all the staff for organizing youth group, encouraging me and answering my questions when I was confused. Thank you Mrs Lightcap for helping understand how loving God is, Mrs Fernandes for giving me my first Bible, Mrs Ndlovu for being my first mentor and for giving me my very first devotional (My Utmost to His Highest) and last but not least, Ms Carmen, I can't mention everything that you have done and still continue to do but I truly appreciate all of it; you provided me with many Bible study books and also encouraged me to find a church here in Leuven.

I want to thank my church family at the Christ Centered Church Leuven. You have all made me feel so at home and being around such godly people has resulted in my growth. Pastor Seth and Mama Rosemary, thank you for organizing Bible Study and Prayer Meeting and for encouraging people to not only participate but also lead, and also for telling us to subscribe to Our Daily Bread and thus helping us read our Bible's everyday. Naomi, you have been a great mentor. When I used to cancel and not really appreciate our Bible Study you never gave up. You have taught me so much and you never forced your opinions on me, you always let me decide for myself what I was ready to give up or change about my life.

Lastly, I want to thank my older sister, Chibwe, who encourages me when am down and stressed and overwhelmed and also makes me laugh.You know my addiction for Christian music and you have helped me add new songs to my playlist. Staying in Belgium with you has made life easier and I am truly grateful to be here with you!

So dear reader, take the  time each day to thank God and also the people in your life  for who they are and what they have done and continue to do for you. Also help others achieve their goals and dreams. Help them flourish, the little that you do can have a great impact.

We all need each other, no one can truly say that he has achieved everything in his life by himself. I would not be where I am now spiritually if it weren't for all these people in my life. I wouldn't be the person I am today if it weren't for my family's care and love.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

The Lord's Plans Prevail

Ask anyone who knows me very well and they will tell you that I am a planner. I love to make plans, schedules and organize things. So when it came to this blog it was not an exception, I had many plans. I had planned for this blog to be about fashion and my experiences as a student in Belgium. However, all that changed recently and that is as a result of getting closer to God. But before we get ahead of ourselves, let's go back to the beginning.

Every year at graduation, it was my school's tradition to give the graduates a Bible as gift. So when I graduated on the 27 of May 2011, I was also given a Bible. I have been reading my Bible everyday so far this year,and on one of those days, I opened the very first pages and this was written by our Director, Mrs Evelyn C.Jones:

"You can make many plans, but the Lord's purpose will prevail." -Proverbs 19:21

I remember that after I read these few words, I was in complete awe and shock because they were very true. God's plans are sovereign, they cannot be changed or stopped. They are final. The verse does not mean that we shouldn't make plans but when we do make plans, we should keep in mind that in the end God has the final say over everything! In fact, as I consider this simple truth, I am overjoyed because not only are His plans far better than any human plan (Isaiah 55:8) but they are also good (Jeremiah 29:11). So I have no need to worry and I am happy that in this way, through this blog, I can glorify God. I wanted this blog to be all about fashion and my life abroad but now it will be all about God. I want to share with you my experiences as a Christian. I am not an expert, I am still growing but I do hope that the little that I will tell will touch and change your life.

PS: I saved the very first post I ever made. Don't hesitate to check it. It clearly shows how the plans have changed :)