Before I register for the new academic year, I would like to say a big thank You to God for the previous one.
I started my 2nd year of Bio-Medical Sciences on shaky feet. I was unable to resit my Physics exam and therefore, I had the option of either redoing the class or tolerating it. After seeking advice from the first year supervisor, I choose to tolerate the class. That meant that I would start the 2nd year Physics class without passing the one from the 1st year. And so, I applied for my 2nd year.
My first semester consisted of 5 subjects, of which one was a subject that spanned the whole year. As the weeks went by, I became more anxious and worrisome. Exams were drawing near and I was not prepared. I still could not grasp Analytical Chemistry, Physics involved a large amount of calculus, and with math being my weak point, I was sure I was destined for failure in everything except for Cell Physiology. I did have a chance of passing Metabolism if I just worked harder and if I had more time. I remember going to Chibwe and telling her that I would quit Chemistry and thus give myself more time to study and therefore a greater chance to pass the other exams. She talked me out of it. We needed to visit our family in Suriname during the summer, so August resits were not an option. I placed the matter into God's hands. After God revealed to me that I need not be afraid of failure, because He was in complete control, I experienced such great peace about the the whole exam period. I wrote all my exams, some were harder than others, and by God's great grace, I passed them all.
I had been told that the 2nd semester of the 2nd year is the most challenging of all semesters in the course and it was. I had 6 subjects, of which 4 out of the 6 had more than one professor. It was a heavy load. I started studying at the beginning of the semester but by the end, I had forgotten most of what I had learned. Another panic attack. So much to do, so little time. I kept telling myself that if only I had one more month then I would have been sure of my success. Luckily, a few good friends of mine and my lovely sister were there to encourage me and told me that I should let go and let God. They didn't know how God would enable me through my exams but they knew He would. I studied what I could and I stood on God's Word. I place sticky notes with verses on my computer and on the wall across my study table. I prayed and praised God before every single exam. A week after the June exam period, I got my results. Not only had I passed everything, but my average grade had also increased and I got a grade that I had not expected for Microbiology.
Last academic year, I learned a lot but the ones that I will never forget are these simple but powerful truths:
1. It's good to be surrounded by people who encourage you in your belief.
2. Faith works wonders.
3. God is not stingy, instead He lavishly pours out mouth-opening blessings on us. He is the God "who is able, through His mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think" (Ephesians 3:20).
4. "When I am weak, then I am strong" because His grace is all I need and His power works perfectly in weakness (2Corthinians 12:9-10).
Please leave comments about how good God has been to you too :)