Most people who know me even for a short while soon realize that I am a busy bee. "Tawikala panshi?" is a phrase in Bemba that has been spoken to me on numerous occasions. It literally translates as "Don't you sit down?" i.e. "Do you ever rest?". I am constantly planning things that need to be done and as a result I find myself incapable of relaxing when things are left incomplete. Usually when I return home from the library I begin to organize things instead sitting down and socializing with my lovely sister and cousin. I always want to be done with the "unfinished business" before I relax. I want to do a lot with the time I have, which is not a bad idea at all, until I over-plan and run behind schedule. I once invited a friend for dinner at 7pm, and being the European he is, he was right on time! The dinner that I had thought would start at 7pm ended up starting at 9pm; I was two hours behind, unbelievable but very true.
However, thanks to the devotional and the very observant eyes of my sister and cousin, I have been awakened to the harsh reality of my life. Since the problem was noted, I started working on solutions. A few management lessons might do the trick but theory not put in practice is worthless. So, I have worked on my decision making. As much as I like to do everything, somethings are only distractions that are well-intended but do not need to be done that day and others are crucial and require my immediate attention. I am filtering the necessary from the unnecessary. This is not something that one learns to do over night, it requires a lot of discipline and so I have started with the small steps that can later add up to great changes. For example, in the past I studied in the library until 9pm every day except for the days that I have fellowship with the people at church. Instead, now I can study until 7pm and spend some quality time with the those I love, laughing and living a little. Secondly, I honestly do not have to make different appointments with 5 friends in one day instead I can easily spread them over the week or month,or even have one huge gathering, leaving plenty of time for some real girl talk! Last but not least, I can have a good quiet time with the One that matters the most, God, instead of rushing off to "unfinished business".
I am making small steps, the process will be long but I pray that God will continue to help me overcome other distractions and serve Him and others with the deepest devotion. I also hope and pray that God will open your eyes to the clutter in your own life and enable you to overcome them. Remember, His grace is sufficient.
Stay Blessed.
Thanks to Our Daily Bread for inspiring me to write this post.