Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Underneath It All

I finally got a new phone! 

It's been a journey. My last phone ditched me at my sister's birthday party. It fell down to its destruction. I must admit I should have handled it with more care. When my phone stopped working, my sister gave me her old phone to use [good sister :)]. But man it was a struggle. The first week with that phone taught me a lot about myself. I could hardly take out the phone in public. I was ashamed and afraid of what people might think. I remember texting with my phone hidden in my bag and the frustration with the fact that it was super slow whenever I wanted to call someone. All in all the phone showed me that I view myself and others mostly based on what they own. I judge someone mostly based on their appearance. And that's just horrible.
It reminded me of Samuel when God asked Him to go and anoint a son of Jesse to be Israel's new king instead of Saul (1Samuel 16). When he saw David's older brother, tall and handsome; he thought to himself surely this is the one the Lord meant to appoint as king. But he was wrong and God told him “Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” . - 1 Sam.16:7

Many a time we are too quick to judge people and ourselves based on the outside. But a beautiful face doesn't necessarily mean a beautiful heart.
Jesus also talked about this. He called the Pharisees and teachers of religious law white washed tombs with rattling bones inside (Matthew 23:27).

The world does emphasize an external beauty. You see outward beauty promoted everywhere. The media is constantly promoting fashion and weight loss above good behavior and the celebrities some of us look up to have no depth when it comes to character either. 

I don't know about you but I want to be different. I don't want to judge books by their covers. Yes nice clothes etc have their role to play but they are not and should not be the deciding factor about a person's identity. I wanna choose character over wardrobe. And I thank God for my broken phone cause I desperately needed an awakening. I want to see people the way God sees them. Some might argue, well maybe God created us to see people that way after all He said that people don't see as He does. That argument however is only correct to a certain extent, yes we are not God and can't see people exactly as He does but we as believers are being transformed into the likeness of Christ. And Christ was not partial, for example He approached the Samaritan woman at the well despite cultural differences.Therefore, we should strive to be Christ-like with the help of the Holy Spirit because its not something that we can do on our own.

"Dear God, help me to value what You value. 
As I follow Your example, I pray that You will be pleased with what 
You see in my heart. "- Our Daily Bread (An Inside View)

God bless you all xoxo