I don't know why but I am learning a lot from phones lately.
On Saturday, I made a trip to Germany. And on one of my trains to my final
destination I found an iPhone 6 on a chair. I tried to find the train
conductor to hand it in but there was none. So I took it with me hoping
that the owner or one of their contacts will finally call after
realising that it's missing. To cut the story short, a day later I
received neither a call nor a message. I was desperate to find the owner
but helas the phone was locked and I eventually was left with the
option of handing it to the police which I did. I would have rather seen the phone back in the owner's hands but not handing it in to the police would have been deemed as robbery. No
finders-keepers principle here. The law is clear about such things (theft by finding).
But then it got me thinking. How can someone FORGET AN IPHONE 6 FOR SO LONG? HOW??? How can anyone forget their smartphone? Definitely not me (LOL) but now I know that it can happen.
Maybe the person didn't value it or it's not precious to them. Or maybe they are
not a phone person which is hard to imagine nowadays but it's possible.

Then I remembered Jesus who came to seek and save the lost (Luke 19:10, Matthew 18:11). He went to great lengths, the greatest lengths actually to save us who were lost. He didn't forget about us nor leave us to find a solution ourselves; But He became flesh and died a criminals death for our sake and He rose again on the 3rd day so that we may have eternal life. We sure are precious to Him. No doubt about that. He did so much for us all. He came for ALL people, every single human being is precious to Him. Today He is calling and opens His arms to everyone who believes in Him and sees their need for Him. He loves you and has shown the greatness of His love. A love that nothing can separate us from.
aren't meant to stay lost forever instead we are meant to be with Him forever.
Thank you Lord that you didn't forget us but came to seek and save that which was lost.
"Jesus, you are the one who saves, not us. Thank you for rest, for
hushing the furious winds of our faithless works. Thank you for stopping
the strivings of our souls. Overcome us more and more with the glory of
your grace, and make our posture toward others echo this summary of
your gospel: “the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.”" - Jonathan Parnell
If you haven't accepted Jesus into your life, you can do it now. Now is the time of salvation. Don't delay.
God bless xoxo
If you haven't accepted Jesus into your life, you can do it now. Now is the time of salvation. Don't delay.
God bless xoxo