Thursday, November 8, 2018

He is intentional

One thing I have really learned the past year and a half, is that NOTHING in my life is haphazard. Why? Because I believe that GOD IS INTENTIONAL.

I didn't discern it in the moment, but looking back over my life and especially the passed months; I see the different times in which God carried me or went ahead and paved the way. I would like to share one such situation with you. 

I got my current job when I wasn't looking for one. 

When I graduated last year, I wasn't so keen on starting to work full time. In fact, the only job I was looking forward to ,was my summer job as an activity leader at a language summer school. I had worked there the previous year in the English department and I absolutely loved it. However, this time I was going to work in the Dutch department although I had applied for the English one. When the company organizing the summer language school offered me the possibility to work for the Dutch department, I was very hesitant as Dutch is my second language and I wasn't sure if I could manage to converse 24/7 in it. Normally, the company only hired native speakers for their different language departments; so this was an exception for them also. I accepted their offer and on  the 31st July 2017, I started my first day as a Dutch department activity leader. 

For four weeks, I was immersed in Dutch and eventually I improved in it myself. It was during those 4 weeks that I applied for my current job. One day, I was on LinkedIn and randomly liked a job vacancy post by a recruiter. After I liked her post, she messaged me privately and asked if I was interested in applying for the job since it fitted my profile. So I applied. A few days later, I had a telephone interview with her in Dutch; and sometime later, a formal interview with the hiring manager also in Dutch. Both interviews went smoothly and I spoke with such ease and confidence. Sometime later, I got the news that I was hired and after signing my contract, I started work on the 31st August 2017. 

So where is God's intentionality in this situation?

For one, I believe God opened the opportunity for me to work in the Dutch department so that I could be more prepared for my job application. My Dutch was good enough before the summer school; but if I didn't use it by being placed in the English department, it would have deteriorated in those weeks just like any second language that isn't used often. Indeed, I wasn't at the summer school only to improve my Dutch for my application; God's intentionality showed itself in many other ways but this is one that really stuck for me. 

Further, I see how God is using Dutch to prepare me to learn German; which will soon become one of my main languages of communication. He is also using my current job to get me in the workforce in Germany by giving me the opportunity to apply for a job in Germany within the company. 

So, all I am saying is that nothing is in vain. I remember being frustrated about not getting the opportunity to work for the English department; but looking back I see that it wasn't for nothing that I got the Dutch department offer instead. 

I'm sure that you too can look back on your life and see His hand guiding and leading you. 

Be confident, dear reader, that no matter what you face; He knows and He's in control. I know I shared something positive, but even in the difficulties He is able and He wastes nothing. I have a testimony coming up about God's intentionality also in difficult times. He is the God of the hills and valleys. 

Many are the plans in a person’s heart,

but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails. - Proverbs 19:21

Check out this beautiful song by Travis Green: Intentional


Twisile x