But many of us don't.
We are content to hear God's message from others rather than from God Himself. I've been there, I have relied heavily on a Moses before, but it was for a season. I understand that we need each other to grow; after all we are all connected as the Body of Christ (1Cor 12). However, there is a difference between growing together and "growing" through someone. If you hang out with God mainly or only when other believers are around (aka church) or if you only talk to Him during prayer meeting then Houston, we have a problem.
I think sometimes we just overthink being in a relationship with God, making it unnecessarily overly spiritual. The Bible mentions numerous kind of relationships that we have with God: He is our friend, brother, father, even, lover. I think a good point to start is seeing God as a friend (John 15:15) or brother (Romans 8:9, Hebrews 2:11). This doesn't mean we can approach Him anyhow but at least it can help us understand that He is someone who understands us and who we can relate to. I'm still growing in this also (journaling is helping me a lot), it doesn't happen at once; it takes time and being intentional.
Just think about one of your best friendships, how did it develop? Maybe it started with a small hello that eventually over the years turned into something very intimate, the person became someone whom you could be very honest and open with about EVERYTHING. I have those friendships and I treasure them because they are just so precious. You know God want's that with us individually, He created us to enjoy a relationship with Him. Sin kept us from enjoying an intimate relationship with God, but Jesus Christ paid the price and now we can enjoy that it.
So what are you waiting for?
Climb the mountain.
Meet with God. He invites you into His presence.
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