I am not satisfied.
I am not satisfied with the level of intimacy between God
and I.
I came to realize this about a month ago, and although I am
in a better situation than I was then, at the moment I am still unsatisfied. My
number one new year’s resolution was “more Jesus, less of everything”, how did
I deviate from such a beautiful desire? How did I end up in this state of
lacking intimacy?
I wish the answer to such a question was simple. But alas,
it isn’t. However, despite the complexity of it all, I realized that the main
reason was that I had not really sought God. I had not pursued Him. Yes, I was
active in church, I had my daily quiet morning etc. I did all this but missed
God. I honestly don’t know exactly how someone can miss God but I did. And I
think it’s because I was too busy with school, work, university, church and an
LDR. So I concentrated on getting stuff done and not really on Who I was doing
it for or why I was doing it. I was going through the motions, trying to keep
up with things without having to sacrifice something. But the truth is, I did
sacrifice something and that was my intimacy with God. I also resorted to know about
God from others and not from Him. I had spent most of the year sitting at His
feet but not really listening to Him. I listened to myself or to other
resources: friends, books, blog posts, sermons…you name it but I shut my ears
to only voice that is worth listening to and that is His.

At the moment, I am fighting.
Some days I win,
some days I lose. I long for the days when I’ll win continuously. I have tasted
and seen that the Lord is good, and I don’t want to give up knowing what I
know-that the Lord is good indeed. My walk with God isn’t meant to be some
mediocre journey. The Bible is full of people, like David and Moses, who had
such intimate relationships with God, and man, weren’t their lives adventurous!
You and I can have that too! And don’t forget, there is no magic formula to
cultivating intimacy, but it does require that you open your heart to Him. Share
your dreams, hopes, fears, worries…share EVERYTHING and LISTEN to Him speak. And
if the going gets tough, don’t hesitate to ask for His help.
Blessings π
πCheck out this beautiful song:Kari Jobe-The More I Seek You
π Verses mentioned in text: Jer. 29:13, Gal. 6:7-10, 2Cor. 9:6
→ There is no magic formula for hearing from God. There's no checklist that will guarantee a message from the Lord. Still we can cultivate a relationship with God that creates room for dialogue. When we know someone well, our conversations move to greater depth and intimacy as we share our joys and fears with them... Just as we deepen our relationships with others theough spending time together and dialoguing about things that are important to us, so we can get to know God better by spending focused time with Him.
- Melissa Spoelstra
I love this ❤❤❤ I also long for that day when I no longer have to battle through my spiritual journey. I just want to love God continuously, and never have to neglect him.
ReplyDeleteThe desire is already a start hey :) Heaven will be awesome, because then we can't neglect Him <3