I suppose I can say that I grew up in church. I remember going as a kid and I continued to as I grew older. I was surrounded by Christianity not only in church but in school too. So, what I knew about God was mainly from Sunday school, youth group and school. My knowledge and understanding of God developed more in Suriname and Belgium between my late teens and early twenties. In this time, I began to understand God and the Bible more. God was no longer this far-off person and the Bible was no longer “that-book-that-I-couldn’t-understand”.
However, despite this progression, my life was not
completely surrendered to Him. Sunday belonged for God and the rest of the week
belonged to me. There was a disconnection between the girl who sat in church
and the girl who swore and went clubbing until the wee hours of Sunday morning.
I thought I could enjoy the best of both worlds but that was a lie from the
very pit of hell. I blended in with other church folk externally but was empty
on the inside, like an egg shell without it’s crucial internal components.
Although I could fool others, I could not fool God. Christ was not the centre
of my life.
It’s only by God’s wonderful mercy that I got out of that
pit. He placed people in my path that planted seeds of truth that led to my

So maybe you were once like me, and well I thank God that He
got us out of that pit! Maybe you are in that pit now, if so, don’t lose hope!
He got me out, He surely can do it for you too. All you need to do respond to
His call for surrender and daily pick up your cross and follow Him. It doesn’t
mean you won’t fall, you will but you’ll get up each time (Proverbs 24:16).
Amen! Such truth, the devil has a way to trick us into believing that we have time. We end up believing that we can do what we want today and repent later. Oh Jesus help us!
ReplyDeleteAmen! Good point there appoint believing there is time, when in fact we don't know how long we live and our life is but vapor.