Thursday, November 8, 2018

He is intentional

One thing I have really learned the past year and a half, is that NOTHING in my life is haphazard. Why? Because I believe that GOD IS INTENTIONAL.

I didn't discern it in the moment, but looking back over my life and especially the passed months; I see the different times in which God carried me or went ahead and paved the way. I would like to share one such situation with you. 

I got my current job when I wasn't looking for one. 

When I graduated last year, I wasn't so keen on starting to work full time. In fact, the only job I was looking forward to ,was my summer job as an activity leader at a language summer school. I had worked there the previous year in the English department and I absolutely loved it. However, this time I was going to work in the Dutch department although I had applied for the English one. When the company organizing the summer language school offered me the possibility to work for the Dutch department, I was very hesitant as Dutch is my second language and I wasn't sure if I could manage to converse 24/7 in it. Normally, the company only hired native speakers for their different language departments; so this was an exception for them also. I accepted their offer and on  the 31st July 2017, I started my first day as a Dutch department activity leader. 

For four weeks, I was immersed in Dutch and eventually I improved in it myself. It was during those 4 weeks that I applied for my current job. One day, I was on LinkedIn and randomly liked a job vacancy post by a recruiter. After I liked her post, she messaged me privately and asked if I was interested in applying for the job since it fitted my profile. So I applied. A few days later, I had a telephone interview with her in Dutch; and sometime later, a formal interview with the hiring manager also in Dutch. Both interviews went smoothly and I spoke with such ease and confidence. Sometime later, I got the news that I was hired and after signing my contract, I started work on the 31st August 2017. 

So where is God's intentionality in this situation?

For one, I believe God opened the opportunity for me to work in the Dutch department so that I could be more prepared for my job application. My Dutch was good enough before the summer school; but if I didn't use it by being placed in the English department, it would have deteriorated in those weeks just like any second language that isn't used often. Indeed, I wasn't at the summer school only to improve my Dutch for my application; God's intentionality showed itself in many other ways but this is one that really stuck for me. 

Further, I see how God is using Dutch to prepare me to learn German; which will soon become one of my main languages of communication. He is also using my current job to get me in the workforce in Germany by giving me the opportunity to apply for a job in Germany within the company. 

So, all I am saying is that nothing is in vain. I remember being frustrated about not getting the opportunity to work for the English department; but looking back I see that it wasn't for nothing that I got the Dutch department offer instead. 

I'm sure that you too can look back on your life and see His hand guiding and leading you. 

Be confident, dear reader, that no matter what you face; He knows and He's in control. I know I shared something positive, but even in the difficulties He is able and He wastes nothing. I have a testimony coming up about God's intentionality also in difficult times. He is the God of the hills and valleys. 

Many are the plans in a person’s heart,

but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails. - Proverbs 19:21

Check out this beautiful song by Travis Green: Intentional


Twisile x

Saturday, October 27, 2018

You've got mail: an update

Dear Reader,

Thank you for your patience with me.

I have been m.i.a for waaaaaay too long.
7 months to be precious.
Gosh, its unbelievable.


Although it is inexcusable not only because it was my new year's resolution to write a post monthly but also because it showed my lack of commitment to something I LOVE doing.
However, please do accept my excuses.

I was super busy with work, long distance engagement, wedding planning, church activities and activities with friends. My week days AND weekends were always packed. Yes, I like being's an addiction...seriously.

But I have good news for you and I!

Yes, great news , in fact the best news!

I have decided to prioritize myself.

That means, taking time to do not only the things that are required or give the biggest return but also those that are rewarding, things I enjoy..and blogging is one of them! Some others are reading and sleeping. Hehehehe

So I have set apart a specific time for blogging...drum roll...WEEKLY!
Yaass, you read right. WEEKLY, meaning that I'll post at least on a monthly or biweekly basis.

 *pops bottle*

So stay tuned. I have some awesome posts about work, our wedding, and my faith journey coming up.


Twisile x

Friday, February 16, 2018

Climb the Mountain

There are many songs that I like that speak about pursuing an individual and intimate relationship with God; but right now the song that comes to mind is Chasing After You by Tye Tribett. It captures the essence: we as individuals can directly cultivate a relationship with God. Jesus Christ has made that possible for us (Romans 5:6-11). We can approach God, anytime and anywhere.

But many of us don't.

We are content to hear God's message from others rather than from God Himself. I've been there, I have relied heavily on a Moses before, but it was for a season. I understand that we need each other to grow; after all we are all connected as the Body of Christ (1Cor 12). However, there is a difference between growing together and "growing" through someone. If you hang out with God mainly or only when other believers are around (aka church) or if you only talk to Him during prayer meeting then Houston, we have a problem.

I think sometimes we just overthink being in a relationship with God, making it unnecessarily overly spiritual. The Bible mentions numerous kind of relationships that we have with God: He is our friend, brother, father, even, lover. I think a good point to start is seeing God as a friend (John 15:15) or brother (Romans 8:9, Hebrews 2:11). This doesn't mean we can approach Him anyhow but at least it can help us understand that He is someone who understands us and who we can relate to. I'm still growing in this also (journaling is helping me a lot), it doesn't happen at once; it takes time and being intentional.

Just think about one of your best friendships, how did it develop? Maybe it started with a small hello that eventually over the years turned into something very intimate, the person became someone whom you could be very honest and open with about EVERYTHING. I have those friendships and I treasure them because they are just so precious. You know God want's that with us individually, He created us to enjoy a relationship with Him. Sin kept us from enjoying an intimate relationship with God, but Jesus Christ paid the price and now we can enjoy that it.

So what are you waiting for?

Climb the mountain.

Meet with God. He invites you into His presence.

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Wins, Walls, Wisdoms: 2017

2017 went by soooo fast! I can't believe we are already 2 weeks into 2018!

I don't know about you but the time between Christmas and New Year's Eve isn't enough for me to properly reflect on what happened during the year.  Although, I made a video with a selection of pictures from the year, it was very restrictive and done impromptu. In addition, I think I reflect better when I here goes a better reflection of my 2017!

I will review my year by classifying the highlights in three categories: wins, walls, wisdoms.

Wins: blessings

1. I graduated from university! 
This was such a big blessing! I didn't see it coming when I started, the fact that God saw me through 5 years of university in Dutch! Gosh, even now I can't believe it. I still feel like a student (especially since I look like one, petite girl blessings lol). 

2. My sister got married!
Ahhh! Another hug blessing for our family! My eldest sister found her prince charming. The wedding was soo amazing!!!! We were blessed in many ways: the weather was so great that day, the guests were joyful for the couple and we danced till the lights went out (hehehehe). 

3. My fiancé and I went to Zambia to celebrate our engagement. And I got to see my bestie after 9 years of long distance friendship! NINE YEARS!

4. I started working! 
The way I got my job just blew my mind. God is so intentional (will blog on this later,  so you better come back). 

5. I finally started learning German. And the learning continues.  

6. I went to a Hillsong Young and Free concert! My second Christian concert.

7.  I saw God provide for my church in so many amazing ways.

And much much more 😂😁. Like I said, just the highlights.

"Let all that I am praise the LORD; may I never forget the good things he does for me" - Psalm 103:2

Walls: challenges

1. I was worried about money. 
I decided to stop my weekend student job so that I could concentrate on my dissertation but this meant that I had to be more careful with my money. But I became a bit too careful, this almost ruined one of my friendships but thank God for forgiveness!

2. I realized that I have commitment issues.
I felt the urge to quite a lot of things for numerous reasons, for example: if something required more effort than I wanted to put in, if it was too much out of  my comfort-zone, if I felt it was boring or below me and at times if I was convinced that I could easily replace it with a better option.

3. I struggled with comparison, approval...the whole gang.
The struggle is still real. I got robbed of my joy on numerous occasions because of discontentment and the inability to see who I am in Christ. Uniquely loved (will be writing a post on this later also.)

4. I wasn't very committed to God and His Word.
You read it right. I was selfish. 
This literally sums up all the walls I experienced above. 
I didn't intentionally pursue my relationship with God. It's a hard pill to swallow, but the truth is the truth; and only the truth can set me free. Pretending that it was all cherries and roses won't get me anyway. 

 "Then Jesus turned to the Jews who had claimed to believe in him. “If you stick with this, living out what I tell you, you are my disciples for sure. Then you will experience for yourselves the truth, and the truth will free you." - John 8:32

Wisdoms: lessons

Based on my wins and walls, I learned a lot about God, myself and others. These are the wisdoms, and the verses they are based on, that I am taking with me into 2018; wisdoms that I want to develop even more. 

1. God first.
 I need God more and more, every single day. I choose to walk in truth (God's Word).
It is good for me to draw near to God, and He shall draw near to me. I will be intentional with our relationship.  I am not going to rush ahead or stay behind Him, instead I'll walk beside Him. So far, Heather Lindsey's journal challenge which I am doing with some sisters is sooo helpful, I advice you to start it if you can, link here.

Come near to God and he will come near to you - James 4:8
Watch your life and doctrine closely. Persevere in them, because if you do, you will save both yourself and your hearer - 1Tim 4:16

As my relationship with God becomes richer, the following wisdoms will also flourish.

2.  My identity is in Christ.
I am a prototype.
This is a big growing point for me. I am not to compare myself  or others with anyone.  

I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. I do not set aside the grace of God, for if righteousness could be gained through the law, Christ died for nothing!  - Galatians 2: 20-21

3. God is intentional. 
Nothing in my life is by chance. I choose to trust God in the hills and valleys.

You saw me before I was born and scheduled each day of my life before I began to breathe. Every day was recorded in your book! - Psalm 139:16

You are good and do only good - Psalm 119: 68 

4. Attitude & perspective is so crucial!
I won't let emotions etc get the best of me. No sir. Healthy mind, healthy life. I'll guard my heart and mind.

The mind is it's own place and in itself, can make a hell of heave and a heaven of hell -  John Milton.

I am excited for 2018! So many powerful Scriptural prophesies have been spoken about it! It will be my best year yet!

Thank you so much for reading! I encourage you to take some time to reflect over 2017 and get super duper excited for 2018!

"Test yourselves to make sure you are solid in the faith. Don’t drift along taking everything for granted. Give yourselves regular checkups. You need firsthand evidence, not mere hearsay, that Jesus Christ is in you. Test it out. If you fail the test, do something about it." - 2 Cor 13:5-6


Twisile xoxo