Sunday, June 29, 2014

"No Man is an Island"

"No man is an island entire  of itself, every man is a piece of the continent". 
- John Done, 'No Man is an Island'

We need each other. Life is about working together; yes, they are some things that each of us can manage by ourselves but there are many things that we could not, cannot and will not be able to do without the help of others. The Bible encourages us to care for each other whether it be with food,clothing,company or spiritual growth. To name a few verses;
"Therefore encourage one another and build one another up" (1 Thessalonians 5:11).
"Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others" (Philippians 2:4).

Therefore, I would like to thank a couple of people, that God placed in my path, who put aside their own interests and guided me to make my faith a vital part of my life.

I spent my last 3 years of high school at a Christian school in Suriname and I want to thank all the staff for organizing youth group, encouraging me and answering my questions when I was confused. Thank you Mrs Lightcap for helping understand how loving God is, Mrs Fernandes for giving me my first Bible, Mrs Ndlovu for being my first mentor and for giving me my very first devotional (My Utmost to His Highest) and last but not least, Ms Carmen, I can't mention everything that you have done and still continue to do but I truly appreciate all of it; you provided me with many Bible study books and also encouraged me to find a church here in Leuven.

I want to thank my church family at the Christ Centered Church Leuven. You have all made me feel so at home and being around such godly people has resulted in my growth. Pastor Seth and Mama Rosemary, thank you for organizing Bible Study and Prayer Meeting and for encouraging people to not only participate but also lead, and also for telling us to subscribe to Our Daily Bread and thus helping us read our Bible's everyday. Naomi, you have been a great mentor. When I used to cancel and not really appreciate our Bible Study you never gave up. You have taught me so much and you never forced your opinions on me, you always let me decide for myself what I was ready to give up or change about my life.

Lastly, I want to thank my older sister, Chibwe, who encourages me when am down and stressed and overwhelmed and also makes me laugh.You know my addiction for Christian music and you have helped me add new songs to my playlist. Staying in Belgium with you has made life easier and I am truly grateful to be here with you!

So dear reader, take the  time each day to thank God and also the people in your life  for who they are and what they have done and continue to do for you. Also help others achieve their goals and dreams. Help them flourish, the little that you do can have a great impact.

We all need each other, no one can truly say that he has achieved everything in his life by himself. I would not be where I am now spiritually if it weren't for all these people in my life. I wouldn't be the person I am today if it weren't for my family's care and love.

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